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32nd IMISE Conference on the Study of Human Estrangement

  • Ort: Capri
  • Beginn: 23.06.08
  • Ende: 28.06.08
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Italienisch, Sprachenübergreifend
  • Frist: 10.03.08

The 32nd IMISE Conference on the Study of Human Estrangement will take place in Capri-Italy, 23-28 June 2008, with publication of all papers and written debate in the IMISE Journal Lo Straniero (The Stranger).

Deadline for publication before conference is 10 Mar 08, or 1 Aug 08 for publication before end of 2008.

Official language is English. The website www.geocities.com/lostraniero85 refers to our 29th conference in Paris (July 2005) but its description of the IMISE events and rules for registration are still valid for the 32nd in Capri. Participants unable to be present at conference can still participate as a correspondent and have papers published under the same rules as present participants. For any more info, please contact us.


Von:  Ignazio Corsaro, Neapel

Publiziert von: jd