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Société Internationale des Médiévistes, Paris: Annual Orientation Meeting

  • Ort: Paris
  • Beginn: 07.10.08
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Französisch

This is a reminder that the International Medieval Society, Paris, will hold its annual Orientation meeting on October 7, 2008, entitled "AN, BN, and Beyond." The meeting will take place in Paris, at the home of Danielle Johnson at 7pm. Please send an e-mail to Anna Russakoff (a_russakoff@yahoo.com) for the address and door codes.


Information About the International Medieval Society, Paris

Each year, numerous academics come to Paris to conduct research in a field of medieval studies. Because most operate independently, precious time is wasted in simple orientation to the different institutions and in gaining access to specialized research locations. Numerous opportunities are missed… The International Medieval Society aims to resolve this by creating a center for international researchers in Paris.


The primary goal of the International Medieval Society is to optimize the academic research experience by providing information and assisting with access to the wide range of opportunities offered to medievalists in Paris and in France. By facilitating communications among independent researchers and the different French institutions or academics through meetings, presentations, and visits, the Society aims to improve academic exchange and promote interdisciplinary and international scholarship.


The International Medieval Society was founded in June 2003. During its first four years, the Society has quickly grown both in size and in scope as it now counts art and architectural historians, historians, musicologists, and literary scholars from Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and beyond as its members. The Society is a cooperative association that relies on the participation of its members to realize its goals. In the future, we hope to offer fellowships to researchers at all levels.


Full information about the objectives and activities of the IMS can be found at www.ims-paris.org


New members are welcome, and we look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday, October 7.


Von:  Sarah Long

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher