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Vortrag von Jacques Rancière (Paris VIII): The Time of the Plebeian: Literature, Politics, and Temporality

  • Ort: München
  • Beginn: 27.05.10
  • Ende: 27.05.10
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Französisch

Jacques Rancière:

The Time of the Plebeian: Literature, Politics, and Temporality


Donnerstag, 27.05.2010, 18.00 Uhr c.t.

LMU Hauptgebäude, Senatssaal

Im Anschluss an den Vortrag (in englischer Sprache) findet ein kleiner Empfang statt.


The rise of modern literature as a regime of art of writing coincides with the political emergence of democracy. This coincidence is defined by one privileged scenario : the fact that every man and woman has new possibilities of life and social positions which formerly were not open or unknown to them. However, there is one aspect which hasn’t been well identified yet : This scenario implies a bifurcation of time. The time discovered by the plebeian is characterised by new objectives, but it is also free time suspended of the ambition to do or want anything. In his lecture, Jacques Rancière will develop the argument that this suspension concerns not only fictitious facts but the regime of literary fiction itself which is more and more infiltrated by this suspended time. In the end, this suspension has to do with the aporia of social emancipation.


Von:  Dagmar Stöferle

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher