Zs.: Caplletra 47 (Herbst 2009)
- Disziplinen: Sprachwissenschaft
- Sprachen: Spanisch, Weitere romanische Sprachen
Monographic issue: "The German contribution to the studies in Catalan Linguistics"
Introduction (F. Robles)
VICENT ÁLVAREZ: The contribution of German Romanists to the current studies in Catalan linguistics: global assessment with special attention to bilingual lexicography
AINA TORRENT-LENZEN: The contribution of the Swiss, German and Austrian Romanists to Catalan historical linguistics
ARTUR QUINTANA: The contribution of German Romanists to contrastive linguistics of Catalan and other languages
KATHARINA WIELAND/MIREIA MEDINA: Catalan sociolinguistics in the German-speaking countries. Selected and commented bibliography of works done by German language authors
FERRAN ROBLES: Applied linguistics to language teaching and new research trends in linguistics
Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat
Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher