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CfP: International Conference "European, National and Regional Identity", Romania

  • Ort: Oradea (Romania)
  • Beginn: 24.03.11
  • Ende: 26.03.11
  • Disziplinen: Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Weitere romanische Sprachen, Sprachenübergreifend
  • Frist: 10.01.11

The conference aims at clarifying the implications of theoretical perspectives on the actual state of identity throughout European space. The focus is double: on the way all the theories fit the available data, both qualitative and quantitative, but also how philosophical paradigm shifts affect the way we interpret these results.The conference approach is mainly sociological, psycho-sociological and philosophical. However, contributions from anthropology, economics, political sciences and social policy studies are very welcomed. Deadline: January 10, 2011. There is no conference fee for the presenters. Meals and refreshments will be offered by the organizers. Participants can also apply for accommodation. Unfortunately we cannot cover the travel expenses.




1. Cultural Diversity and Social Capital. Chair person: Adrian Hatos ahatos@gmail.com

2. Qualitative Methods in the Research on European, National and Regional Identity. Chair persons: Bernáth Krisztina krisztinabernath@gmail.com, Bögre Zsuzsanna, PhD.

3. Social identity and well-being. Chair person: Sergiu Ba(lt,a(tescu bsergiu2@gmail.com

4. Identities, representations and prejudices. Chair person: Istvan Muranyi muranyi@chello.hu

5. Identity and the idea of Europe as philosophical problems. Chair persons: Éva Biró-Kaszás kaszas@puma.unideb.hu, Tamás Valastyán

6. Levels of identity: Europe, nation, region. Chair persons: Attila Demeter demetermartonattila@gmail.com, Zoltán Zakota

7. Institutions and identity. Chair persons: István Bujalos, Beáta Kassai kassai.beata@gmail.com


The language of the sections is English, except the section 5 where you can use also German.


*Publication*. Full papers, submitted no later than April 15, 2011, will appear in the conference proceedings.


*Submission*. Abstracts for papers of about 250 words, together with author's affiliation and email address should be sent by 10 January 2011 to the section chair's email and to enriconference@socioumane.ro. Participants will be notified online on the acceptance of their paper no later than January 27, 2011.


Sergiu Baltatescu

Associated Professor

University of Oradea,

Department of Sociology and Social Work


Center for the Study of Social Transformations


Str. Universitatii nr. 1, Oradea, Romania


Tel: +40 (259) 408439

Mobile: + 40 (745) 323931

Fax: +40 (359) 800243


Email: bsergiu@uoradea.ro


Von:  Sergiu Baltatescu

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher