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CfP: "Law and Order", 37th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium

  • Ort: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Beginn: 27.10.11
  • Ende: 29.10.11
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Französisch
  • Frist: 15.03.11

The 37th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium hopes to foster a discussion of laws and order as represented in French literature and culture of the long century: how they were established, supported, questioned, and overthrown; how the ideological grounds upon which they were constructed were solidified or destabilized; and how authors, characters, themes or formal elements reflect varying degrees of respect for established sets of rules.


We invite colleagues to participate in this dialogue with papers on topics that may include (but are not limited to):


Transgressions ; Dérèglements poétiques ; L’alexandrin ; Libération du vers ; Unités vs. pluralités ; Actes criminels et système de justice ; Courts of (in)justice ; Law and literature; Laws of genre; laws of periodization ; Textual order/textual violence ; Letter and spirit ; Auteurs-criminels ; Orthodoxy/heterodoxy ; Architectural spaces ; Framing/un-framing ; Spaces of incarceration ; The Order of Things; The Archaeology of Knowledge: rethinking Foucault ; Canards and crime fictions ; Paris enquêtes criminelles ; Le code noir ; Colonial order ; Empires and revolts ; Barricades


The colloquium, organized by the University of Pennsylvania and Villanova University, will take place October 27-29, 2011 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Submissions for individual papers or sessions may be in French or English and should be in the form of an abstract (250-300 words) sent as an e-mail attachment in Word to ncfs2011@gmail.com . For session proposals, a separate abstract for each paper should be included. Please indicate your A/V requirements on your abstract. The deadline for all submissions is March 15, 2011.


For more information on the colloquium, we invite you to visit our website at



Andrea Goulet and Seth Whidden, co-organizers

Law and Order: 37th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium

Philadelphia, PA, 27-29 October 2011


Von:  NCFS 2011

Publiziert von: Christof Schöch