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CfP: Symposium Language change / Sprachwandel (Erinnerung)

  • Ort: München
  • Beginn: 13.07.11
  • Ende: 15.07.11
  • Disziplinen: Sprachwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Französisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Weitere romanische Sprachen, Sprachenübergreifend
  • Frist: 15.04.11

From 13th to 15th July 2011 the linguistic PhD programme LIPP (University of Munich) holds a symposium on language change. The purpose of this meeting is to examine concrete phenomena of language change and its mechanisms and to discuss theoretical issues on this subject.


Language changes all the time at all linguistic levels creating variation and dialectal differences. We can however find some correspondences or similarities within one language or among several different languages. Do new linguistic forms arise from the speakers’ utterances or in the listeners’ ear? What is the meaning of the interaction between speaker and listener for language change? What do comparisons between languages tell us about the mechanisms of linguistic change? These aspects of the symposium emphasise the how and why of language change, and the meeting will also attempt to provide the participants with an opportunity to inquire into further problems in this field of study.


As the major focus of this symposium is to contemplate how and why language changes, both from a diachronic and from a synchronic perspective, we will discuss not only historical phenomena, but also language change in progress. The following two subjects may be addressed, in an effort to shed light on common or different tendencies in languages: (1) phenomena of language change on the levels of phonetics/phonology, syntax, morphology and semantics/pragmatics and (2) theories and explanatory models for language change in general, as well as mechanisms of language change (e.g. grammaticalisation, phonemicisation, reanalysis, etc.).


In addition to the guest lectures, oral and poster sessions are planned, to allow PhD students to present their research projects and to provide for discussions on the subject of this workshop.


Please submit abstracts for a thirty-minute talk in English or German (twenty minutes for the presentation, plus ten minutes for discussion). Send an anonymous abstract by email to symposium2011@lipp.lmu.de, with the subject labeled 'Symposium Sprachwandel' and put the details about the author (including name, email, affiliation and title of abstract) in the body of the email. The abstract should be 400-500 words in English or German, with the title of the paper and references (and data or diagrams if needed) as a PDF format.


Invited speakers

Ulrich Detges (Universität München)

Philip Durkin (Oxford University)

Michele Loporcaro (Universität Zürich)

Damaris Nübling (Universität Mainz)

Elisabeth Stark (Universität Zürich)

Laura Wright (Cambridge University)


Important Data

Location: University of Munich

Deadline for abstracts: 15th April 2011

Notification of acceptance: 15th May 2011

Conference dates: 13th – 15th July


Under the aegis of

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Detges

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Harrington

Prof. Dr. Hans Sauer


Organising Committee

Kosuke Kaita

Hanna Ruch

Diana Venneri


Von:  Hanna Ruch

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher