Disziplinen > Literaturwissenschaft


International conference "Globalizing Literary Genres"

  • Ort: München
  • Beginn: 27.06.13
  • Ende: 29.06.13
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Sprachenübergreifend

In today’s globalized world . . . This is how opening addresses usually start these days. Indeed, in today’s globalized world, why should we study literary genres? A possible answer, one particularly interesting for this conference, is that precisely the study of such formations as genres is what defamiliarizes the abovementioned addresses. Ultimately, this type of study should test the assumption that it was not until recently that the world became globalized, and as such the obvious measure of the study of any phenomenon. Definitions of globalization usually start by acknowledging the difficulty of defining globalization; it seems as if the vagaries of defining globalization are a part of any definition of globalization. Perhaps this is the reason why most studies address globalization by adding the conjunction “and” or the preposition “of”; globalization is more often than not globalization and something else, or the globalization of something. Often, globalization is even replaced by such notions as second modernity, liquid modernity, postmodernity, late capitalism, or empire.


When it comes to the relationship between globalization and literature, the suspect conjunction “and,” or preposition “of,” can perhaps be replaced by the adverb “as,” insofar as the histories of globalization and literature are structurally connected. For it is the wager of this conference that globalization, far from starting in recent decades, has a long and complex history, not unlike the history of literature itself. The conjuncture of globalization and literature therefore in effect invokes the entire historical dimension of literature. Hence genre, the level of literature most conducive to historical study.



Conference Program


Thu., 27 June 2013

13.30: Introductory address: Jernej Habjan and Fabienne Imlinger


14.00: Historicizing Globalization in Literature (chair: Fabienne Imlinger)

Karin Peters: Arcadia Goes Overseas: Pastoral and “Planetary Consciousness” in Paul et Virginie

Robert Stockhammer: Novel Cosmopolitan Writing: On Genus and Genre of Mankind (in Kant and Wieland)


16.00–16.30: Coffee break


Jörg Dünne: The World as Network and Tableau: Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days between Novel and Play

Alexander Beecroft: On the Tropes of Literary Ecology


18.30–19.00: Coffee break


19.00: Panel discussion on “Thinking Genre through Globalization” chaired by Klaus Benesch

Wai Chee Dimock

Suman Gupta

Paul Jay

Christoph K. Neumann



Fri., 28 June 2013

9.00: Globalization Producing Genres (chair: Hanna Straß)

James Annesley: “All Good Things are Wild and Free”: Nature, Consumption, and Globalization in Jonathan Franzen’s Travel Writing

Hrvoje Tutek: The Form of Resistance: Literary Narration and Contemporary Radical Political Experience


11.00–11.30: Coffee break


Suman Gupta: Indian Genre Fiction in English and the Global Publishing Template


12.30–14.00: Lunch


14.00: Genres Producing Globalization (chair: Myriam-Naomi Walburg)

Wai Chee Dimock: Recycling the Epic: Gilgamesh on Three Continents

Christoph K. Neumann: Orientalist Poetics, Autobiographical Fiction, and History Defying Words: Sarkiz Torossian Inscribing Himself into World War I


16.00–16.30: Coffee break


Elisabeth Güde: On Language Memoirs and Translated Wor(l)ds

Paul Jay: New Style, Critical Cosmopolitanism, or Big Business? Globalization and the Shapes and Subjects of Transnational Prose


18.30: Dinner



Sat., 29 June 2013

9.00: Limits of Genres In the Globalized World (chair: Jernej Habjan)

Typhaine Leservot: Neo-Occidentalism: Globalization and Francophone “Terrorist” Literature

Grant Farred: The Literariness of Sport


11.00–11.45: Coffee break


Jahan Ramazani: Global Form and Local Content—A Paradigm for Poetry?


12.45: Closing remarks (chairs: Jernej Habjan and Fabienne Imlinger)


LMU Munich, Französische Bibliothek, Ludwigstr. 25, 80799 Munich


Von:  Fabienne Imlinger

Publiziert von: RZ