Lecturership: Spanish American Literature
- Ort: Oxford
- Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft
- Sprachen: Spanisch
- Frist: 20.02.12
University Lecturership
Spanish American Literature
University of Oxford - Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages in association with Trinity College
Salary: Grade 10a £42,733 - £57,431 p.a.
Please quote reference: CA12001
Closing date for applications: 09.00 Monday 20 February 2012.
The University proposes to appoint a University Lecturer in Spanish American Literature from 1 October 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter, in association with a tutorial fellowship at Trinity College. There are college benefits in addition to the stated salary.
The appointee will be required to give at least 36 lectures per year and 6 hours of tutorial teaching per week in the relevant field, as well as supervising graduates, undertaking research and involvement in examining and administrative duties.
The successful candidate should have, or demonstrate the potential to develop, a research record of international standing in the field of Spanish American literature, which will contribute to the submission of the Sub-Faculty of Spanish for the upcoming Research Excellence Framework and any future research assessment exercises. Applicants must possess a PhD/DPhil in a relevant area and have experience of teaching at undergraduate-level.
Further information (including details about how to apply) can be obtained from www.mod-langs.ox.ac.uk/recruitment/ or are available on request by telephone on 01865 270750 or by email at recruitment@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk.
The closing date for applications is 9.00 am on Monday 20 February 2012. Interviews will be held at Trinity College on 7 March 2012. Please quote reference CA12001 in all correspondence.
Publiziert von: Hartmut Duppel