Tagungen > Tagungsprogramm


Metamorphosing Dante

  • Ort: Berlin
  • Beginn: 24.09.09
  • Ende: 26.09.09
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Italienisch

Metamorphosing Dante

ICI Berlin, 24-26 September 2009


[Zur vergangenen Tagungsausschreibung auf romanistik.de]


After almost seven centuries, Dante persists and even seems to haunt the present. This conference investigates what so many authors, artists and thinkers from very different artistic, political, geographical and cultural backgrounds have found in Dante’s oeuvre in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The hypothesis is that, along with a corpus providing multiple linguistic and narrative structures, characters and stories (thereby allowing a wide range of possibilities to be evoked and re-activated), Dante has provided a field of tensions in which to mirror, explore and question one’s own time. Situated itself on critical points of tension (sermo humilis/sublimis, lyric/epic, life/afterlife, human/divine, present/future), Dante’s aspiration towards totality remains a daunting presence in the age of fragmentation, while – after the ‘death of the Author’ – his work seduces precisely as the site of a powerful production of authorship. Metamorphosing Dante, conceived within the frame of the Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry’s core project Tension/Spannung, gathers scholars from different disciplines and cultures to explore what the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have probed in Dante’s works, and the ways in which they have engaged with them through rewritings, dialogues, and transposition.



24 September



Greetings and Welcome: Christoph Holzhey

Opening Remarks: Fabio Camilletti, Manuele Gragnolati, Fabian Lampart


14h15-16h00 [Paradisi]

Rachel Jacoff (Wellesley), Reclaiming Paradiso: Dante in the Poetry of James Merrill and Charles Wright

Erminia Ardissino (Torino), “Perché mi vince il lume d’esta stella”. Giovanni Giudici’s Rewriting of Dante’s Paradiso for the Theatre

Francesca Southerden (Oxford), 'Per-tras-versioni' dantesche: Post-paradisiacal Constellations in the Poetry of Vittorio Sereni and Andrea Zanzotto






16h30-18h15 [Subjectivity]

Fabio Camilletti (Berlin): The Bipolarity of Angélisme: Beatrice, Desire and Sublimation from Gide to Lacan

Manuele Gragnolati (Oxford), Rewriting Dante after Freud and the Shoah: Giorgio Pressburger’s Nel regno oscuro

Rebecca West (Chicago), Wives and Lovers in Dante and Montale



Piero Boitani (Roma), Dante in Ireland: Yeats, Joyce, Heaney



25 September


10h00-11h10 [Canonizations]

Dennis Looney (Pittsburgh), Stretching the Canon in African American Appropriations of Dante from the Nineteenth Century to Today

Federica Pich (Pisa), Dante’s “Strangeness”. The Commedia and the late Twentieth-Century Debate on the Literary Canon





11h40-12h50 [Bodies]

Nicola Gardini (Oxford), In The Name of Dante: Body and Sex in Twentieth-Century American Gay Poetry

James Miller (Western Ontario), Ghostwriting Dante: Derek Jarman’s Queer Appropriations of the Inferno





14h30-16h15 [Modernities]

Ray Fleming (Florida State), Thomas Mann's Über Dante and the Politics of Reading

Teresa Prudente (Torino), “Misi me per l’alto mare aperto”: Personality and Impersonality in Virginia Woolf’s Reading of Dante’s Allegorical Language

Cornelia Wild (München), The Caring Dead: Auerbach’s Desire for the Mundane in Dante's Inferno





16h45-18h30 [Visualizations]

Ronald De Rooy (Amsterdam), A Cardboard Dante. The Metropolis of Hell Revisited

Hannah Lisa Linsmaier (Potsdam), Comics Capturing the Comedy

Antonella Francini (Firenze), Transferring Dante: Robert Rauschenberg’s 34 Drawings for the Inferno


19h00 [Vernissage]

Himmel un Hölle. 100 Drawings on Dante’s Divina Commedia

By Hiltrid Gauf (Köln) with an Introduction by Sabine Schrader (Insbruck)



26 September


10h00-11h45 [Catabasis]

Angela Merte-Rankin (Maynooth), Dante’s Inferno and Walter Benjamin’s Cities: Considerations of Place, Experience and Media

Federico Sabatini (Torino), Imagination, Memory and Language: Dante’s Influence on Samuel Beckett

Florian Trabert (Düsseldorf), “Il mal seme d’Adamo”. Dante’s Inferno and the Problem of the Literary Representation of Evil in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus und Wolfgang Koeppen’s Der Tod in Rom





12h15-13h25 [Structures]

Patricia Feise-Mahnkopp (Oldenburg), The Matrix-Trilogy: Postmodern Pastiche or Postsecular Rearticulation of Dante’s Divina Commedia?

Tristan Kay (Oxford), Dante’s Commedia as Anti-model in Cesare Pavese’s La luna e i falò





15h00-16h45 [Manipulations and Distortions]

Nick Havely (York), “Hell on a Paying Basis”: Morality and the Market in Harry Lachman’s Dante’s Inferno (1935)

Davide Luglio (Paris), “Anzichè allargare, dilaterai!”. Allegoria e mimesis dalla Commedia di Dante alla Divina Mimesis di P.P. Pasolini

Manuela Marchesini (Texas at Austin), From Agamben's Italian Category of Comedy to Profanation as the Political Task of Modernity: Dante in Gadda's Pasticciaccio and Pasolini’s Petrolio


Von:  Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camiletti, Fabian Lampart

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher