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Stylistic Regimes in Madame Bovary and Salammbô. Kompaktseminar mit Michael Fried und Barbara Vinken

  • Ort: München
  • Beginn: 17.11.11
  • Ende: 19.11.11
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Französisch


Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften

Institut für Romanische Philologie

Flaubert-Zentrum München


Kompaktseminar mit Michael Fried und Barbara Vinken.


„Stylistic Regimes in Madame Bovary and Salammbô“


Gustave Flaubert’s practice of (what he called) „le gueuloir“ involved his reading his prose out loud more or less as he wrote it in order to eliminate assonances, consonances, repetitions of all kinds. The aim was a new sort of stylistic perfection, comparable to that of poetry but in the medium of prose. And yet Madame Bovary is full of repetitions of various kinds that indicate a counter-tendency toward habit and automatism that students of the writer have never fully taken into account. In this seminar we will look closely at a number of passages that reveal that tendency in its various manifestations. Furthermore, if there is time, we will extend our investigation to the novel he wrote immediately afterward, the extraordinary Salammbô, which I will try to show is governed by a very different stylistic regime.


Das Seminar wird eröffnet mit einem Abendvortrag von Michael Fried zum Thema: "Flaubert and Courbet"



Flaubert: Salammbô, éd. Jacques Neefs, Le Live de poche.

Flaubert: Madame Bovary, éd. Jacques Neefs, Le Livre de poche.


Zeit: Freitag, 18.11. und Samstag 19.11., jeweils 9.00 -17.00 Uhr

Ort: Französische Bibliothek, Ludwigstraße 25, Eingang 4. Stock


Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter: flaubert-zentrum@romanistik.uni-muenchen.de


Von:  Gesine Hindemith

Publiziert von: CS