Stellen > Stipendium


Ten Graduate School grants: Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

  • Ort: Berlin
  • Disziplinen:
  • Sprachen:
  • Frist: 30.11.09

The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Govemments will admit fifteen PhD students to its doctoral program to begin October 1st, 2010.

Ten of these candidates will receive a Graduate School grant; the other candidates will be supported in their quest for funding.


The Graduate School investigates the plurality, changeability, and global connected­ness of Muslim cultures and societies. It invites applications from candidates whose dissertation project fits one of the Graduate School's Research Areas. Successful applicants will have a masters degree in one of the disciplines represented at the Graduate School, with a ranking, where applicable, of above average. The language of communication is English. Admission is for one year, and, contingent upon a positive evaluation atter the first year of study, will be extended for another twelve months. Admission and grant can be extended for a total of three years.

For more information visit our website at


The application package needs to include the following documents: a completed and signed application form; an outline of the dissertation project (up to 6 pages, with a brief summary); a signed curriculum vitae; two letters of reference; certified copies of degrees received; evidence of proficiency in the language(s) relevant to the dissertation project; and for non-native speakers of English, proof of proficiency in English. Holders of PhD scholarships that were awarded an the basis of academic references for the same project with which applicants apply to the Graduate School can submit copies of these references.


Applications will be reviewed by the School's Admissions and Grants Committee.

The complete application package must be submitted by November 30st, 2009 to: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Office, Altensteinstr. 48, 14195 Berlin, Germany

For further information, please contact the Graduate School's office at


Von:, 22.10.2009

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher