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CfA: WinterSchool "Transformations" des IASH der Universität Bern unter Beteiligung des ZfL Berlin

  • Ort: Bern, Schweiz
  • Beginn: 22.01.12
  • Ende: 27.01.12
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft, Weitere Teilbereiche
  • Sprachen: Sprachenübergreifend
  • Frist: 27.11.11

Der einwöchige Graduiertenkurs richtet sich primär an Doktorierende der Universität Bern, der Schweiz und dem Ausland. Dieses international sehr erfolgreiche Instrument der Nachwuchsförderung verfolgt das Ziel der Vernetzung in Hinblick auf längerfristige Kooperationen und unterstützt den Erkenntnisgewinn durch die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit den theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen der Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Inhaltlich sollen unter dem Titel "TransFormations" lokale und globale Veränderungsprozesse in ihren unterschiedlichsten Ausformungen an den thematischen Schnittstellen von Wissen, Geschichte, Kultur und Gesellschaft analysiert und mitgestaltet werden.


Achtung: Bewerbungsfrist 2012: 27. November 2011!


WinterSchool 2012: TransFormations


From 2012 to 2015, with the IASH as the leading institute, the Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Bern organizes four

international Winter Schools of one week each. Under the thematic umbrella "TransFormations", the Winter School concentrates on the analysis and shaping of local and global processes of change in its various forms and formations at the intersections of knowledge, history, culture and society.


TransForming Knowledge and Epistemic Cultures

In post-industrial societies, due to the impact of globalisation and technological development, we are witnessing a growth and diversification of the sites of knowledge production and the ways in which a variety of actors articulate and circulate knowledge. As a result, the privileged position of ‘scientific’ knowledge is contested, making knowledge the symbolic and material capital not only of academic ‘experts’. By the same token, the authorization of ‘knowledge’ becomes a matter of debate and changing power structures. The Winter School analyses and discusses these changes from a historical, sociological, cultural and philosophical perspective. It reflects in particular on the challenges thereof for the humanities and the social sciences regarding their role in the knowledge society of (post)modernity and their contribution to larger processes of transformation.


Invited guests and the focus of their lecture in the morning sessions of the Winter School

- Prof. Dr. Christiane Schildknecht (Philosophy, University of Lucerne): An explication of the concept of knowledge, including its limits and an analysis of different forms of knowledge.

- PD Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer (History, University of Heidelberg): The changing relation between information and knowledge: new communication technologies and contemporary societies’ perception of them – the example of telegraphy.

- Prof. Dr. Michael Hagner (Science Studies, ETH Zurich): Generation and transfer of knowledge in the digital age: the fate of the printed book and changing notions of intellectual property, reading, writing and interpretation.

- PD Dr. Stefan Willer (Literary Studies, ZfL Berlin): Figurations of future knowledge: a rhetorical and epistemological investigation of knowledge-tocome in connection to current prognostic notions like 'sustainability', 'security', 'scenario', 'contingency'.



The Winter School will be discussion-oriented. Daily morning sessions will include lectures given by four international scholars addressing the topic from various angles, followed by responses and plenary discussions. These sessions will prepare the ground for more general discussions in the master classes held in the afternoon. The workshop-like master classes focus on key concepts and core texts the participants will suggest in advance. There will be no presentations of individual work; posters of participants’ research will foster informal exchange throughout the week instead. Moreover, parallel workshops on the final day encourage the development of collaborations on shared research questions between at least two participants. Social media (website, wiki, blog) will be made available to connect participants before the conference and to document the discussions.


Programme overview

Sunday: Arrival, Welcome, Introduction, Installing poster exhibition

Monday: Lecture, response, discussion Master Class Poster viewing

Tuesday: Lecture, response, discussion Master Class Film

Wednesday: Workshops to develop joint projects Excursion Fondue dinner

Thursday: Lecture, response, discussion Master Class Theory to practice (lecture by special guest)

Friday: Lecture, response, discussion Master Class Lessons learned; Departure (or Saturday)


Application Procedures

The Winter School offers young doctoral and post-doctoral scholars a unique opportunity to contribute to a broader discussion with their own research and ideas. We particularly encourage applications from researchers from the humanities and the social sciences with a strong interest in theoretical debates in an interdisciplinary setting.


Languages: English (main), German, French


Costs: 500.- Swiss francs (travel and accommodation covered by organizer)


How to apply?

Your application should include the following:

- a letter of motivation, indicating how you expect to profit from participating in this Winter School and how you can contribute, in turn, to the discussions

- a CV of max. two pages

- an abstract (500 words) of your current research project

- two referees we might contact


What do we offer?

IASH will cover your travel expenses as well as accommodation and meals at Schloss Münchenwiler. You will receive a reader with preparatory material and have the opportunity to present your research on the Winter School homepage and blog. Most important of all, you are offered a stimulating environment conducive to state-of-the-art discussion of pressing scientific and societal questions. You will enter into exchange with senior scholars and peers, which will hopefully prove fruitful beyond the Winter School, not least by connecting you to an international network of like-minded researchers.



Please apply electronically (PDF) to Sabina von Fischer who is happy to answer your questions: sabina.vonfischer@iash.unibe.ch


Institute of Advanced Study In the Humanities and the Social Sciences (IASH)

Falkenplatz 16

CH-3012 Bern


Von:  Sabine Zimmermann

Publiziert von: cs