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CfP: Trends in Toponymy 6

  • Ort: Heidelberg
  • Beginn: 07.10.13
  • Ende: 10.10.13
  • Disziplinen: Sprachwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Sprachenübergreifend
  • Frist: 30.04.13

Trends in Toponymy 6 will take place at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg from October 7th to 10th 2013. As the name suggests, the conference is dedicated to both new approaches in toponomastic studies and research on current toponomastic phenomena. The main aim of the conference is the discussion and interdisciplinary exchange about current findings, theoretical innovations and work in progress.


We invite to submit proposals for panels, individual papers and posters regarding original and previously unpublished research addressing place names; the subject can be handled from different perspectives of toponomastics and confining disciplines such as sociolinguistics, geography as well as the social and political sciences.


Papers should address one of the three following domains of place name research:

- Traditional topics of toponomastic research, e.g. toponomastic-driven contributions on name theory, toponomastic typology and the epistemology of toponomastics.

- Topics relating toponomastics and sociolinguistic research, e.g. place names in settings of language contact in multilingual societies and at language boundaries, attitudes towards place names, toponyms in discourse and conversation and research in linguistic landscape – an emergent field connecting sociolinguistics and onomastics.

- Computerised presentation of toponomastic data, e.g. the documentation and visualisation of toponymic data via Geographic Information Systems.


This thematic list is not to be seen as exhaustive. Generally, diachronic as well as synchronic perspectives are welcome. PhD students are particularly encouraged to submit a paper based on their work.


The abstract should express the central point(s) of the paper and give an outline of the handled subject. It should also include information on the empirical data and the theoretical framework. Only one abstract as single/first author and a second as co-author can be submitted by one person. Abstracts should not exceed 400 words including title and essential bibliography. The conference language is English.


Please send your abstract to trendsintoponymy6@rose.uni-heidelberg.de. The abstract submission is open until April 30th 2013.

Von:  Matthias Wolny

Publiziert von: RZ