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Call for Contributions In Motion: Recent Developments in Caribbean Cinema

  • Disziplinen: Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Französisch
  • Frist: 01.04.11

Call for Contributions

In Motion: Recent Developments in Caribbean Cinema


Since Mbye Cham published Ex-Iles: Essays on Caribbean Cinema about two decades ago technological developments have had their impact not only on the industries within the Caribbean region but also on the opportunities Caribbean filmmakers find in various diaspora communities. When Cham writes in his introduction that “Caribbean cinema is in its infancy at the moment,” one should expect this industry located not only in the Caribbean itself but also in various North American and European urban centers to have matured considerably. There are currently a number of festivals, first and foremost the Toronto-based Caribbean Tales, but also the Latin American and Caribbean Film Festival (LACFF) in Atlanta, Vue d’Afrique in Montréal, and the Caribbean UK Film Festival in London, which were created to support the representation of Caribbean settings, characters and themes from insider perspectives. Such perspectives typically function as refreshing alternatives to prevailing Hollywood distortions of the region. Cuba, which has maintained a flourishing industry of its own for many decades, plays a leading role in fostering regional efforts, for example through the organization of a Traveling Caribbean Film Showcase. The projected collection of essays on recent developments in Caribbean Cinema seeks to scrutinize individual films which are results of the various efforts outlined above. Special attention will also be paid to filmmakers, such as Raoul Peck, Felix de Rooy, Frances-Anne Solomon, or Christian Lara and to certain trends, such as the exhibition of Caribbean music in film, or the Jamaican version of the organized crime genre. We welcome submissions in French, Dutch, Spanish, and English.


Deadline for abstract submissions: 1 April 2011

Deadline for complete essays: 1 October 2011


Please send abstracts of about 250 words to the following three addresses:

Dr. Doris Hambuch, United Arab Emirates University, hambuchd@uaeu.ac.ae

Dr. Jerry White, University of Alberta, gswhite@ualberta.ca

Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler, Bayreuth University, ute.fendler@uni-bayreuth.de



Von:  Viviane Azarian

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher