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Call for Papers: "Cuban Transfers"

  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Spanisch
  • Frist: 15.06.08

Call for Contributions


(welcome in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese)


Nadja Gernalzick (Oldenburg/Mainz) and Gabriele Pisarz-Ramírez (Leipzig), eds.


Cuban Transfers

with an introductory essay by Ottmar Ette


In 1940, Spanish-trained Cuban ethnologist and sociologist Fernando Ortíz intervened in the debate on cultural contact in the transatlantic space and between Europe, Africa, and the Americas with the proposition of the concept of transculturación to capture a specifically Cuban experience and history of violent cultural contact. The sociologists' debate was then led by Melville J. Herskovits and Franklin Frazier from the U.S. and by Bronisłav K. Malinowski; Ortíz was supported by Malinowski and positioned his concept of transculturación against composite conceptualizations working with the terms deculturation and acculturation in the description of the process of cultural migration.


The collection Cuban Transfers takes this discursive node as a starting point for investigations of the past and the present of Cuban culture and cultural production in transatlantic interchange with Europe and the Americas.

We invite contributions which explore e.g. the role of Cuba and Cubans as images of alterity in U.S. political and cultural discourse since the colonial period; the exchanges between Cuban intellectuals, writers, and artists with Europe and the Americas especially since the 19th century; the history of Cuba and its transatlantic relations as manifest in circumatlantic literatures and cultures; slavery in Cuba in comparison; the role of filibustero newspapers edited by exiled Cubans in the U.S. such as El Mulato, La Verdad, or El Independiente; Cuban-American 'radio wars;' the international disciplinary debates with their ramifications into postcolonial studies that involve Cuban intellectuals and artists or evolve around Cuban themes; Cuba as a place of refuge for exiled intellectuals, politicians, and artists; aspects of Cuban diaspora; Guantánamo and the history of concentration camps on

Cuba; or Cuba and capitalism, communism, socialism, Ché-ism.


Approaches to the works should be interested in the 'inter' or 'trans' of cultures, media, disciplines, and nations. We are also particularly looking for contributions on the visual, performing, or musical arts. We expressly welcome contributions in Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Authors and works, or cultural and political agents and events to consider may include:

José Martí

William Cullen Bryant

Ernest Hemingway

Fernando Ortíz

Alexander von Humboldt

Christopher Columbus

Bartolomé de las Casas

Miguel Barnet/Esteban Montejo

Hans Werner Henze, El Cimarrón

Assata Shakur

Gloria Rolando

Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau

Richard Harding Davis

Stephen Crane

Lucy Holcombe Pickens (The Free Flag of Cuba)

José María Heredia

Maria Gowen Brooks alias Maria del Occidente

Jane Maria Eliza Storms Cazneau alias Cora Montgomery

Cirilo Villaverde

Rubén Torres Llorca

Félix Gonzáles Torres

Martin Delaney

Cuban Diaspora Literature as an Academic Field

Cuba after 9/11

George Gershwin, Cuban Overture

Frederick Remington

William Randolph Hearst

Evangelina Cisneros

Nicolás Guillen trans. by Langston Hughes

Cuba as a Place of International Exile

Milcha Sanchez-Scott, "The Cuban Swimmer"

Richard Henry Dana Jr., To Cuba and Back: A Vacation Voyage

Reynaldo Arenas

Julian Schnabel, dir., Before Night Falls


Publication is intended with Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York, in the multi-lingual series Passages – Transdisciplinary Cultural Perspectives. Please send abstracts of about 500 words and a short academic biography to



and pisarz@uni-leipzig.de


by June 15, 2008. Complete essays of 5000 to 7000 words are due September 30, 2008.


Prof. Dr. Nadja Gernalzick

Fakultät III

Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften

Institut für Fremdsprachen-Philologien

Seminar für Anglistik: Amerikanistik Beethovenstr. 15

Carl von Ossietzky Universität

26111 Oldenburg


PD Dr. Gabriele Pisarz-Ramírez

Philologische Fakultät

Institut für Amerikanistik

Universität Leipzig

04107 Leipzig


Von:  Gabriele Pisarz-Ramírez

Publiziert von: Kai Nonnenmacher