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CfP: Hamlet and Poetry

  • Ort: Cardiff, UK
  • Beginn: 13.09.11
  • Ende: 14.09.11
  • Disziplinen: Literaturwissenschaft
  • Sprachen: Französisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Weitere romanische Sprachen, Sprachenübergreifend

Shakespeare’s HAMLET and its innumerable rewrites and intertextual traces have been shaping literary and cultural production for centuries. This multidisciplinary conference will bring together scholars of literature from Modern Languages, English, Drama, Translation Studies and Creative Writing to reflect on the rewrites and traces in poetry. It will focus on the interrelationships between HAMLET and poetry in terms of influence, allusion, intertextuality and transposition. Whilst HAMLET has made possible some great modern poems, the ramifications of Shakespeare’s play for poetry and poetics have been considerably less charted than the narrative and dramatic rewrites. This conference seeks to redress the balance by examining how, and to what ends, poetry has recourse to HAMLET, its fragments and its translations.


We invite twenty-minute papers in English on HAMLET-related poems in any language. We welcome papers on a particular poem, poetic genre, style, trend, national poetry, or authorial oeuvre; and on the role of translation. Selected papers will be published in a guest-edited issue of the peer-reviewed journal “New Readings” before the end of 2013.


Organised by Dr Márta Minier (University of Glamorgan) and Dr Ruth J. Owen (Cardiff University).


Confirmed keynote speaker:

Prof Neil Corcoran (University of Liverpool), author of “Shakespeare and the Modern Poet”


Keynote entitled:

A Politics of Translation: Robert Lowell/Boris Pasternak; Czeslaw Milosz/Zbigniew Herbert; William Shakespeare/Ciaran Carson


Other speakers include:

Maria Elisa Montironi - The “introspective sponger”: Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Brecht’s poetry

Elise Brault-Dreux - How not to be, in a selection of D.H. Lawrence’s poems

Katarzyna Burzyńska - Polish Hamlet: An analysis of Zbigniew Herbert’s poem “The Elegy of Fortinbras”

Hatice Bay - “The Poems of Dr Zhivago” as Hamletian Epic Poems

Arianna Marmo - Renée Vivien’s “perverse Ophélie”

Rocío G. Sumillera - The influence of Shakespeare’s Hamlet on twentieth-century Spanish poetry

Cristina Paravano - An Italian Hamlet: The Case of Alda Merini


There are still some places for speakers at this conference. Please email your proposed title and 250-word abstract as an attachment in Word to both mminier@glam.ac.uk and owenr12@cardiff.ac.uk with the subject-line “Hamlet and Poetry”.


Venue: ATRiuM, University of Glamorgan, Cardiff, UK

Von:  Tilmann Altenberg

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